Terry Davis
"Training Director"

Office Phone: +65 6465 1270

Singapore HP: +65 6908 4085

Vietnam HP: +84 9038 45598

Email: terry@seatag.com.sg

Graeme Lacey
"Director of Quality and Corporate Governance"

Singapore Office: +65 6908 4083

Philippine Office: +63 46 519 3297

Singapore HP: +65 9152 8165

Philippine HP: +63 9178879895

Fax: +65 6238 5956

Email: graeme@seatag.com.sg

Skype: graeme.aabdg

Chris Mason
"Commercial Director"

Singapore :+65 9147 9897

Malaysia :+601 25882847

Direct :+65 6908 4084

Carolyn Ho
"Operations Manager (Training & Recruitment)"

Cell : +65 91284365

Skype : carolynmlho

Tony Noakes
"Training Manager"

Cell : +65 91284365

Mob: +63 9178608671

Office : +65 64651270

Skype : tony.noakes7